quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012
quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2012
Vacation Activities
A great idea to motivate kids during vacation is to have them create their own Vacation Book. The can have several pages, on planing the things they will take on the trip and the activities they would like to do during their vacation days.
Another idea would be to have a Travel Journal. Every day they would write down the things they did during the day.
Their vacation diary will be a treasured memory book. I still look at the travel journals my brother and I kept on a long trip to California when we were little kids. The things we wrote and pasted in our journals bring back wonderful memories of what we did along the way. We still have caricatures drawn in Disneyland that we pasted in our journals and ticket stubs of Disneyland rides back when one had to buy a book of tickets for the rides.
Kids travel journals are a bit different than adult travel journals because there are activities in them to keep them interested, and space to write about where they've been. They can keep their ticket stubs and pamphlets in pockets of the journal, or you can make a pocket for them by gluing a half piece of heavy paper inside the back flap of the travel journal.
Kids travel journals are a bit different than adult travel journals because there are activities in them to keep them interested, and space to write about where they've been. They can keep their ticket stubs and pamphlets in pockets of the journal, or you can make a pocket for them by gluing a half piece of heavy paper inside the back flap of the travel journal.
Check out these website for more fun ideas:
sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2012
Learning about Hamsters
segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012
Solar System Exploration: Multimedia: Gallery: People's Space: Maria's Solar System
Solar System Exploration: Multimedia: Gallery: People's Space: Maria's Solar System
Our Systemic 6 years old students went really far this time. Actually they went to outer space, and to be more specific they went to NASA. Check out their great pictures from the Solar Systemic. These pictures were made by Systemic Students from Year 1. This lesson they learn about the planets and their position in the Solar System. Enjoy!
Our Systemic 6 years old students went really far this time. Actually they went to outer space, and to be more specific they went to NASA. Check out their great pictures from the Solar Systemic. These pictures were made by Systemic Students from Year 1. This lesson they learn about the planets and their position in the Solar System. Enjoy!
quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012
Mother's Day Ideas
http://www.systemic.com.br/legba/site/link/?vUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eenchantedlearning%2Ecom%2Fcrafts%2Fthankyougifts%2Fflowerpotpen Flower Pot
http://www.dltk-holidays.com/mom/mholder.htm Card Holder
http://crafts.kaboose.com/felted-recipe-box.html Recipe Box
http://www.perpetualpreschool.com/holiday_themes/mother_songs.html SONGS
http://www.daniellesplace.com/html/mothersday.html Gift Box
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VfNqcMCiYg&feature=related preschool songs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvWdlLzpTp4&feature=related You are my sunshine
http://www.mothersdaycentral.com/mothers-day-crafts/ A lot of Ideas
http://teenshealth.org/teen/misc/mothers_day_banner.html Activity for teens
http://dltk-holidays.com/mom/songs/index.htm Poetry and songs
http://www.dltk-holidays.com/mom/mholder.htm Card Holder
http://crafts.kaboose.com/felted-recipe-box.html Recipe Box
http://www.perpetualpreschool.com/holiday_themes/mother_songs.html SONGS
http://www.daniellesplace.com/html/mothersday.html Gift Box
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VfNqcMCiYg&feature=related preschool songs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvWdlLzpTp4&feature=related You are my sunshine
http://www.mothersdaycentral.com/mothers-day-crafts/ A lot of Ideas
http://teenshealth.org/teen/misc/mothers_day_banner.html Activity for teens
http://dltk-holidays.com/mom/songs/index.htm Poetry and songs
terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012
sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012
Uses for Old Crayons
Uses for Old Crayons
Here are a bunch of ways to recycle crayons.
Wax Paper Shapes
A long time ago in art at grade school we somehow made plaques by melding the crayon shavings between 2 sheets of wax paper with a warm iron and let that dry. Then we outlined a shape - like a coffee pot or something and cut it out of the shavings after they hardened - then peeled the wax paper off. I remember how cool it looked.Place it in a frame for the wall. I like the notion of melting them into tins for JUMBO crayons and I wonder if extending the length of them by placing them in a cigarette holder would work. You can get them in a couple different lengths.
By melody_yesterday
Sandpaper Art
I did this great project with 5 and 6 year olds using old broken crayons and sandpaper. Cut out a piece of sandpaper, the more coarse the better. Allow the children to draw a picture on the rough surface with leftover crayons. Once the sandpaper is all colored, place in the oven on an old cookie sheet at low. It makes a bit of a waxy smell, but once the pictures are melted on the sandpaper, let dry and you have an art piece to cherish. It is worth it! (11/01/2004)By Ally
Stain Glass Effect
Like melody_yesterday, I too remember doing a neat craft with leftover crayons as a grade-schooler. With the crayons broken in small bits and shavings, we made a picture on a sheet of drawing paper. After that, we covered the crayon shaving picture with a sheet of paper and ironed the design in, by carefully moving over it with a warm iron and slight pressure. Very like a stain glass effect and fun to do.Sealing Envelopes
Using them for sealing envelopes. Melt them down with a lighter into a foil filled cup and then drip the crayon wax into patterns or just a drop onto the envelope. Then you can use a metal stamp after the wax has cooled a little to add more texture or your initials.By Leslie
Make New Crayons!
Fat Crayons
Buy a used sauce pan and funnel at a garage sale or thrift shop just for this purpose. Melt the stubs down gently, don't stir, just let them mingle together. Buy some short pieces (3 to 4 inches, most stores will cut them for you) of 1/2 inch pvc pipe at a hardware store. Use a small piece of 2 by 4 and a spade bit the same size as the outside of the pvc (I think 3/4). Drill into the 2 x 4 about an inch. Set the pvc into the hole to use as a mold. Pour in the melted crayon and let cool for a couple hours. Remove the pvc mold from the 2 x 4 and slide the new fat crayon out. Perfect size for preschoolers who generally don't care about specific colors anyway. You could also buy the caps for the 1/2 inch pvc, cap one end and set them into a cup instead of the wooden base. When they are cool, remove the cap and slide the crayon out.By Patticat

You can shape them as a bunny if you like, as an Easter activity.
Scribble Cookie
Take broken crayon bits in various colors and put them in a muffin tin. Melt them in the oven just until they've run together. After it cools pop it out and you have a multi colored scribble cookie that kids will love.By Anna
Different Shapes
Looking for something to do with those old broken crayons? Take the wrappers off of old crayon break them into pieces mix all together and put to the side.Take two muffin tins line them with either foil muffin cups or spray with just plain non stick baking spray. Put pieces of crayons in the muffin tins filling it halfway.
Heat oven to 200 degrees F. Put the muffin tin in the oven. Take out after the crayons are melted. For me it usually takes about 9-11 minutes but watch them since oven temperatures vary.
After they are melted take out of the oven put to side. Let cool. I usually let cool about an hour but if you are in a hurry put them in the fridge to cool and after they are cool you have fun new crayons for the kids.
For fun holiday ideas, take a flat cookie sheet lined with easy release foil. Use metal cookie cutters. Press the cookie cutters down a little bit. Put crayon pieces in each cookie cutter and melt the wax. Let cool and you will have crayons in neat shapes.
Or take plastic candy molds and dixie cups. Put crayon pieces in the cup. Melt the crayons in microwave for about 5-8 minutes pour into the molds let cool in freezer for 20-30 min and they will pop right out of the mold.
By Courtney Herriage
Add Glitter
When working for an after-school program, I would take baking cups used for muffins (try the ones that have foils cups enclosed with paper) and old broken crayons and have the kids mix the crayons (paper removed) into whatever color schemes they wanted inside the cups on a metal tray and place them into an oven at about 250 degrees fahrenheit. The crayons melt inside the cups to make a perfectly round crayon that even little hands can hold. Be careful! Oven usage should always be done by adults. Keep kids away from the oven and hot trays or utensils! Handle crayons when completely cooled. For extra special crayons, have kids add glitter before crayons go on to bake.By Nicole
Microwave Crayons
Remove paper and put several crayons of similar color families (i.e. red purple and blue or yellow green and blue) in a small bathroom-size paper cup. Put several of these cups on a plate and micro until melted enough for at least some to be liquid. DO NOT MIX. Allow to cool and peel off paper and you have a multi-colored chunky crayon for little hands or just fun because of the multi-color.By Linda.
My Crayon Craft Ideas
Here're a few things I've done with old crayons. I always have lots at the end of the year.Suncatchers
You can make suncatchers using wax paper, an iron and crayon shavings. Use a sheet of heavy foil over the wax paper when ironing so you don't smoke up the place or ruin your iron. I use old muffin tins and pencil sharpeners to make shavings grouped by color. Kids always want to help make the shavings. Take a large sheet of wax appear and fold it in half, sprinkle shavings (sparingly, they spread a lot!) over 1/2 of the sheet, then fold over & iron on medium heat - it only takes a few seconds. Cool and cut into shapes. We made wings from construction paper to make bees and butterflies. Then tape your creations onto windows for the light to shine through. You can also draw or write on the wax paper with sharpie markers.Crayon Paintings
Use an old warming tray and wrap the tray top with heavy foil to protect it. Then place a sheet of paper on the tray and 'paint' with the crayon stubs - which melt as they touch the paper. For even more fun, place another sheet of paper on top of the 1st and rub evenly, then peel off. You'll have 2 pieces beautifully patterned paper you can use for collage, etc. Paper with a smooth finish works best for this.Crayon Paint
Place the stubs, grouped by color in a muffin tin and place the tin on a warming tray (remember the foil), then use old paintbrushes (the cheapest plastic ones are fine) to paint with the melted wax. You can paint the melted wax onto fabric for a batik project.Wet Drawing Technique
Mineral spirits or turpentine will dissolve the crayons. You can make washes by painting a drawing with a brush full of spirits, dissolving some in a small container and also try dipping the crayons in a little cup full of spirits for a 'wet drawing' technique.Crayon Magnets
We also made unusual magnets by arranging crayon shavings and small pieces on metal juice can tops and placing these in the hot sun until crayons melted and swirled together. On a hot summer day, this happens quickly! Once cooled the wax hardens and lasts fairly well - as long as you don't drop it.By Pinellas
Coloring White Candles
I melt down crayons with a little wax and then dip white candles into the mixture to create colored candles. I buy plain white candles - about 99 cents for 1 doz. I find them in the ethnic food aisle of the grocery store - Shabbat candles.Then I melt a little bit of wax with crayons in a tin can set in an old saucepan with water in the pan... my substitute for a double boiler.
I use tongs and I'm very careful. I dip the white candle in the wax, then into a tin can of cold water, then back into the wax - do this until you get the desired coating, then let them cool. I can make any color of candles and it's a lot of fun to experiment.
One year I made various shades of orange for Autumn. My neighbor's little girl had fun picking out the colors and then watching me dip the candles. It wasn't a safe project for her age, but it still entertained her for several hours to see the color combinations she could create.
By TJDumplin
Adding Color to Wax Candles
The crayon stubs are also great to color wax candles. Just add them to the wax when you are melting it down. CindyBy Beadlady
Fire Starters
How about making pretty fire-starter packages for people who have fireplaces or like to camp. You need the crayons melted, strips of colored paper (if you have a paper shredder at your house, even better). Tie a piece of string to a pine cone or a balled up piece of paper. Dip it in the melted wax, then drag it through your shredded paper. Squeeze it once it has cooled but before the wax sets completely and trim any long shreds. Let it harden and continue to do these steps several times. Then, the last time, try to place the shredded paper fairly straight so that you can make a little tuft, like a carrot top at the end with shredded paper.By Sharon
Finding Cheap Crayons
You can always put them all in a zip-lock and sell at a yard sale, or... Many times I have been in a thrift store to see a grandmother, a caregiver, etc. find a zip-lock full of crayons for 25 cents or so and are so pleased. So many times we take for granted that crayons are inexpensive to us and we can just go out and buy new ones as soon as they aren't "pretty" any more. Others are thankful for an opportunity to purchase them no matter how well they look.By Tawnda
Decorating Easter Eggs
You could store them in with your Easter stuff and bring them out when decorating Easter Eggs. Draw on the egg before dipping it in the egg dye.By badwater
Furniture Scratches
Use the browns and blacks to cover scratches on your furniture. Works great.By Marie
Feel free to post your ideas below.
segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012
Easter Ideas
Happy Easter!
Plastic Egg Bunny
Origami Bunnyhttp://crafts.kaboose.com/origami-bunny.html
Terra-Cotta Pot Easter Bunnyhttp://crafts.kaboose.com/potbunny.html
Rabbit in Baskethttp://www.canadaegg.ca/bins/play_page.asp?cid=156-12-21-78
Rabbite Mask Crafthttp://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/maskcrafts/rabbit/
Egg Colouring & Decoratinghttp://www.canadaegg.ca/bins/play_page.asp?cid=156-12-71&lang=1
Egg Gameshttp://www.canadaegg.ca/bins/play_page.asp?cid=156-12-118&lang=1
Origami Bunnyhttp://crafts.kaboose.com/origami-bunny.html
Terra-Cotta Pot Easter Bunnyhttp://crafts.kaboose.com/potbunny.html
Rabbit in Baskethttp://www.canadaegg.ca/bins/play_page.asp?cid=156-12-21-78
Rabbite Mask Crafthttp://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/maskcrafts/rabbit/
Egg Colouring & Decoratinghttp://www.canadaegg.ca/bins/play_page.asp?cid=156-12-71&lang=1
Egg Gameshttp://www.canadaegg.ca/bins/play_page.asp?cid=156-12-118&lang=1
Jelly Bean Carrots
Easter Egg Basket with Printable Template http://jas.familyfun.go.com/arts-and-crafts?page=CraftDisplay&craftid=11094
Bunny Basket
Bead Bunnies
Easter Bunny Ears
Fluffer Bunnies
Styrofoam and Drinking Straw Puppet Craft
Paper Bag Puppets
Bunny Envelope
Sleep Bunny
Easter Songs
Paper Bunny Basket
segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012
quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012
terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012
sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012
Welcome Back
Morning Routine
Many icebreaker activities are focused on helping teachers get to know their students and helping students get to know one another. These activities are fun ways to learn about students' backgrounds and personalities and to start to form bonds that will last all school year long.
Recipe Card Mix-Up
Provide each student with a recipe or index card. Ahead of time choose about five questions that you might ask of students. Be as creative as you want with the questions. Possible questions might include the following:
What is the title of a favorite book?
What do you like doing in your free time when you're not at school?
What is your favorite board game?
What is your favorite candy bar?
If you could request your favorite meal for your birthday, what would that meal be?
When students -- and the teacher -- have written their answers to the questions, collect the recipe cards. Shuffle the cards. Then pass out a card to each student; be sure students do not receive their own cards. When everyone has a card, then the job of each student is to find the student in the room who belongs to the card the student holds. When everybody has found the person who wrote the answers on the card they hold, they must make sure they know how to pronounce that student's full name and that they understand everything that is written on the card. Then it is time for introductions. The teacher can begin the activity by asking the student on the card s/he holds to come to the front of the room. As that student stands by, the teacher introduces the student to the rest of the class by saying, "Class, I'd like you to meet ___. Her favorite book is ___. Her favorite board game is Please welcome ___ to our fourth grade class!" (Classmates then give the student 4 claps [for 4th grade]). The student that the teacher introduced continues the activity by calling up the student whose card he or she holds. Continue until all students have introduced someone to the class. When everyone has been introduced, take all the cards, shuffle them, and call out responses on one card at a time to see if students can remember who belongs to each card.
Arlene Stoebner, Yankton School District, Yankton South Dakota Getting-to-Know-You Venn Diagram
Gather groups of three students. Supply a prepared three-circle Venn diagram (see an editable sample) for each group. Students talk in their groups about themselves and the things they like to do. After a brief discussion, students must
decide on at least three ways in which they are all alike; they write those things in the area of the diagram that intersects all three circles.
find ways in which they are like one other student in the group and record those ways in the appropriate areas of the diagram.
determine a few facts that make each of them unique and write those facts in the appropriate sections of the diagram.
This activity helps students recognize and appreciate likenesses and differences in people. It also introduces them to Venn diagrams on the first day of school. This type of graphic organizer might be used many times throughout the year.
Rene Masden, Sixth District Elementary School, Covington, KentuckyStudent Dictionary
Write five questions on the board. Questions might include the following:
What is your name?
Where were you born?
How many brothers or sisters do you have?
What are their names?
Do you have any pets?
Tell students to write those questions on a piece of paper and to add to that paper five more questions they could ask someone they don't know. Pair students, and have each student interview his or her partner and record the responses. Then have each student use the interview responses to write a "dictionary definition" of his or her partner to include in a Student Dictionary. You might model this activity by creating a sample dictionary definition about yourself. For example:
Have students bring in small pictures of themselves to paste next to their entries in the Student Dictionary. Bind the definitions into a book, and display it at your back-to-school open house for parents.
Kim Reynolds, Warwick Elementary School, Fremont, California
Getting-to-Know-You Chart
Create a large chart titled Getting to Know You. Include on the chart sections for students' names and interesting facts, such as how many people are in their families, how many pets they have, their favorite colors, favorite school subjects, favorite sports, and so on Laminate the chart and hang it on the wall. On the first day of school, have each student "sign in." Leave the chart up for several weeks. The kids love to wander over to it when they have free time. They keep learning new things about one another. The chart can be a good source of "data" for a lesson in graph-making too.
Charilyn Damigo, Liberty Baptist School, San Jose, California
MANY GREAT ACTIVITIES START WITH A GOOD BOOK Lots of great books offer fitting segues to getting-to-know-you activities. If you're a teacher who likes to read aloud to students, why not start the year with a read aloud that leads to a fun activity that will get students talking and interacting? Here are just a few possibilities
Special Memories Book
If you write a letter of introduction to students before the school year starts, include a request that students bring to school on the first day something that has a special memory attached to it. (If you do not send a before-school letter, you can make this activity the homework assignment for the first day.) Start the day by reading Mem Fox's popular book Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge. The story is about a little boy who befriends an older woman and gives her back memories that she has long forgotten. After reading the story, discuss what a memory is and list students' ideas. Then give each child an opportunity to share his or her special item and tell about the memories it carries. You might also use this as the first writing assignment of the year; have students write about the memories their objects spark, take pictures of the objects, and create a class book of memories.
Cindy Kramer, West Side Elementary School, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
The Giving Tree
Read aloud Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree and involve students in a discussion of the types of gifts the tree gave the boy; none of those gifts cost a thing. Then talk about the types of cost-free "gifts" the students can contribute to the class. Prepare a bulletin board that has the silhouette of a tree trunk and branches. Give each student a cutout apple. Have students write on their apples the things they can "give" to the class. Put the apples on the tree. This bulletin board makes a nice display for open house.
Lori Napoli
Goal Setting With Booker T.
I like to share at least one read-aloud book on the opening day of school. Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes and First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg are favorites. Most essential though, is More Than Anything Else by Marie Bradby. The biographical story of Booker T. Washington's youth uses beautiful language and illustrations to show how he learned to read as a young boy. After reading the book, we talk about his goals and how his determination to achieve them made them a reality. More Than Anything Else is an excellent tool for starting a discussion about students' goals for the school year.
Heather Migdon, Dogwood Elementary School, Fairfax County, Virginia
SETTING THE TONE The last two activities above are perfect ones for setting the tone for a productive and respectful school year. When the going gets rough -- when students are not respecting their classmates or when they are losing sight of their goals -- you could always refer back to the lessons learned from the "giving tree" or Booker T.
Following are a few more activities that can help you set a tone on the first day of school that will carry over thoughout the year.
Chain Gang
Begin by asking students "Who can do something really well?" After a brief discussion about some of the students' talents, pass out paper and ask students to write down five things they do well. Then provide each student with five different-colored paper strips. Have each student write a different talent on each paper strip. Then create a mini paper chain by linking the five talent strips together. As students complete their mini chains, use extra strips of paper to link the mini chains together to create one long class chain. Have students stand and hold the growing chain as you link the pieces together. Once the entire chain is constructed and linked, lead a discussion about what the chain demonstrates. For example, it might illustrate that
All students have talents.
The students in this class have many talents.
If the students in this class work together, they can accomplish anything.
Our class is stronger when students work together than when individual students work on their own.
Hang the chain in the room as a constant reminder to students of the talents they possess and the benefits that can result from teamwork.
Kimberlee Woodward, substitute teacher, Waterford, Michigan Puzzling It Out
This activity is especially valuable if you have in your class students who are new to your school. Those students probably will be experiencing a range of emotions -- including fear, shyness, and uncertainty. Before the activity, create a word processing document containing many different messages -- preferably in different type sizes and fonts -- that convey such messages as
Don't be puzzled, you'll fit right in!
We're here for you!
Depending on the age of student with whom you work, you might include a few messages or a dozen. Print multiple copies of the document (one for each small group of students). Then cut each copy into puzzle pieces, and place the pieces of each copy in a separate envelope. Post on an overhead transparency instructions that direct students to work with others at their table to assemble the puzzle pieces in their group's envelope. As students enter the classroom on the first day of school, be sure they read the instructions and begin the activity. This activity accomplishes several goals: It offers a quiet activity that you can observe; as you observe, you will learn about your students and discern potential problems. It gives students something to do when they first enter the classroom -- something they will be successful at. And it can be a great discussion starter. Nita Dale, Tryon Middle School, Tryon, North CarolinaUgly Words Are Out!
As you discuss classroom expectations, introduce the idea that "ugly words" have no place in your classroom. Ask students what they think you mean by "ugly words." Then have the class generate a list of words that might be found on an ugly-word list, and write the words on a piece of chart paper. (Explain to students that any word that is considered a swear word would definitely be on the ugly-word list, so there is no need to mention them. Point out that the same is true for such words as dummy, jerk, dork, geek, hate, or ugly.) You might start the list with the word "can't." What about the word quit? Go around the room and give each student an opportunity to add an ugly word to the list. When you are satisfied that the students' supply of ugly words has run dry, dramatically rip the chart paper off the pad, let it fall to the floor, and stomp all over it. Next, rip it up and crush it into a ball. Finally, get a shovel, take students outside, and ceremoniously bury the list of ugly words. This activity will have quite an impact: students will always remember the "ugly words" that will not be accepted in class.
Becci Motes, Kelley-Smith Elementary School, Palatka, Florida
Article by Gary Hopkins
Education World®
Copyright © Education World
Submitted by: I Love That Teaching Idea! Staff
From: Nibley, Utah
Date Submitted: April 12, 2001
From: Nibley, Utah
Date Submitted: April 12, 2001
Have a clear procedure of your morning routine written on a poster. Hang it in the room so that when your students enter the room, they know exactly what is expected of them. You can refer to it if a problem arises with a student who has a hard time getting ready to work for the day. The routine will soon be so ingrained in their minds, that they will no longer need to refer to it. Expect a much smoother morning! An example might include: 1) Hang up coat and backpack. 2) Put homework in bin. 3) Sharpen pencil. 4)Work on self-start quietly at desk.
Classical music playing in the mornings also sets a nice tone for the beginning of your day.
Classical music playing in the mornings also sets a nice tone for the beginning of your day.
Class Name Bingo with a Twist
Submitted by: I Love That Teaching Idea! Staff
From: Nibley, Utah
Date Submitted: April 15, 2001
From: Nibley, Utah
Date Submitted: April 15, 2001
I make up my own BINGO grid with such things written in the boxes as, "Has Long Hair" or "Is Wearing Blue" or "Read a Harry Potter Book This Summer." My students then walk around the classroom and have their classmates sign their names in the boxes that apply. They can only use the person's name once on their BINGO cards. Then we all play BINGO. When a BINGO is called, that student must stand up and tell which spaces were part of his BINGO by saying, "Jenny has long hair, Skyler is wearing blue and Miguel read a Harry Potter book this summer," and so on. When those students' names are called, they stand up and wave "hello" to their classmates. And those 5 students are all winners, too!
Recipe Card Mix-Up
Provide each student with a recipe or index card. Ahead of time choose about five questions that you might ask of students. Be as creative as you want with the questions. Possible questions might include the following:
When students -- and the teacher -- have written their answers to the questions, collect the recipe cards. Shuffle the cards. Then pass out a card to each student; be sure students do not receive their own cards. When everyone has a card, then the job of each student is to find the student in the room who belongs to the card the student holds. When everybody has found the person who wrote the answers on the card they hold, they must make sure they know how to pronounce that student's full name and that they understand everything that is written on the card. Then it is time for introductions. The teacher can begin the activity by asking the student on the card s/he holds to come to the front of the room. As that student stands by, the teacher introduces the student to the rest of the class by saying, "Class, I'd like you to meet ___. Her favorite book is ___. Her favorite board game is Please welcome ___ to our fourth grade class!" (Classmates then give the student 4 claps [for 4th grade]). The student that the teacher introduced continues the activity by calling up the student whose card he or she holds. Continue until all students have introduced someone to the class. When everyone has been introduced, take all the cards, shuffle them, and call out responses on one card at a time to see if students can remember who belongs to each card.
Arlene Stoebner, Yankton School District, Yankton South Dakota Getting-to-Know-You Venn Diagram
Gather groups of three students. Supply a prepared three-circle Venn diagram (see an editable sample) for each group. Students talk in their groups about themselves and the things they like to do. After a brief discussion, students must
This activity helps students recognize and appreciate likenesses and differences in people. It also introduces them to Venn diagrams on the first day of school. This type of graphic organizer might be used many times throughout the year.
Rene Masden, Sixth District Elementary School, Covington, KentuckyStudent Dictionary
Write five questions on the board. Questions might include the following:
Tell students to write those questions on a piece of paper and to add to that paper five more questions they could ask someone they don't know. Pair students, and have each student interview his or her partner and record the responses. Then have each student use the interview responses to write a "dictionary definition" of his or her partner to include in a Student Dictionary. You might model this activity by creating a sample dictionary definition about yourself. For example:
Reynolds, Kim. proper noun. 1. Born in Riverside, California. 2. No brothers or sisters. 3.
Have students bring in small pictures of themselves to paste next to their entries in the Student Dictionary. Bind the definitions into a book, and display it at your back-to-school open house for parents.
Kim Reynolds, Warwick Elementary School, Fremont, California
Getting-to-Know-You Chart
Create a large chart titled Getting to Know You. Include on the chart sections for students' names and interesting facts, such as how many people are in their families, how many pets they have, their favorite colors, favorite school subjects, favorite sports, and so on Laminate the chart and hang it on the wall. On the first day of school, have each student "sign in." Leave the chart up for several weeks. The kids love to wander over to it when they have free time. They keep learning new things about one another. The chart can be a good source of "data" for a lesson in graph-making too.
Charilyn Damigo, Liberty Baptist School, San Jose, California
MANY GREAT ACTIVITIES START WITH A GOOD BOOK Lots of great books offer fitting segues to getting-to-know-you activities. If you're a teacher who likes to read aloud to students, why not start the year with a read aloud that leads to a fun activity that will get students talking and interacting? Here are just a few possibilities
Special Memories Book
If you write a letter of introduction to students before the school year starts, include a request that students bring to school on the first day something that has a special memory attached to it. (If you do not send a before-school letter, you can make this activity the homework assignment for the first day.) Start the day by reading Mem Fox's popular book Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge. The story is about a little boy who befriends an older woman and gives her back memories that she has long forgotten. After reading the story, discuss what a memory is and list students' ideas. Then give each child an opportunity to share his or her special item and tell about the memories it carries. You might also use this as the first writing assignment of the year; have students write about the memories their objects spark, take pictures of the objects, and create a class book of memories.
Cindy Kramer, West Side Elementary School, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
The Giving Tree
Read aloud Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree and involve students in a discussion of the types of gifts the tree gave the boy; none of those gifts cost a thing. Then talk about the types of cost-free "gifts" the students can contribute to the class. Prepare a bulletin board that has the silhouette of a tree trunk and branches. Give each student a cutout apple. Have students write on their apples the things they can "give" to the class. Put the apples on the tree. This bulletin board makes a nice display for open house.
Lori Napoli
Goal Setting With Booker T.
I like to share at least one read-aloud book on the opening day of school. Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes and First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg are favorites. Most essential though, is More Than Anything Else by Marie Bradby. The biographical story of Booker T. Washington's youth uses beautiful language and illustrations to show how he learned to read as a young boy. After reading the book, we talk about his goals and how his determination to achieve them made them a reality. More Than Anything Else is an excellent tool for starting a discussion about students' goals for the school year.
Heather Migdon, Dogwood Elementary School, Fairfax County, Virginia
SETTING THE TONE The last two activities above are perfect ones for setting the tone for a productive and respectful school year. When the going gets rough -- when students are not respecting their classmates or when they are losing sight of their goals -- you could always refer back to the lessons learned from the "giving tree" or Booker T.
Following are a few more activities that can help you set a tone on the first day of school that will carry over thoughout the year.
Chain Gang
Begin by asking students "Who can do something really well?" After a brief discussion about some of the students' talents, pass out paper and ask students to write down five things they do well. Then provide each student with five different-colored paper strips. Have each student write a different talent on each paper strip. Then create a mini paper chain by linking the five talent strips together. As students complete their mini chains, use extra strips of paper to link the mini chains together to create one long class chain. Have students stand and hold the growing chain as you link the pieces together. Once the entire chain is constructed and linked, lead a discussion about what the chain demonstrates. For example, it might illustrate that
Hang the chain in the room as a constant reminder to students of the talents they possess and the benefits that can result from teamwork.
Kimberlee Woodward, substitute teacher, Waterford, Michigan Puzzling It Out
This activity is especially valuable if you have in your class students who are new to your school. Those students probably will be experiencing a range of emotions -- including fear, shyness, and uncertainty. Before the activity, create a word processing document containing many different messages -- preferably in different type sizes and fonts -- that convey such messages as
Depending on the age of student with whom you work, you might include a few messages or a dozen. Print multiple copies of the document (one for each small group of students). Then cut each copy into puzzle pieces, and place the pieces of each copy in a separate envelope. Post on an overhead transparency instructions that direct students to work with others at their table to assemble the puzzle pieces in their group's envelope. As students enter the classroom on the first day of school, be sure they read the instructions and begin the activity. This activity accomplishes several goals: It offers a quiet activity that you can observe; as you observe, you will learn about your students and discern potential problems. It gives students something to do when they first enter the classroom -- something they will be successful at. And it can be a great discussion starter. Nita Dale, Tryon Middle School, Tryon, North CarolinaUgly Words Are Out!
As you discuss classroom expectations, introduce the idea that "ugly words" have no place in your classroom. Ask students what they think you mean by "ugly words." Then have the class generate a list of words that might be found on an ugly-word list, and write the words on a piece of chart paper. (Explain to students that any word that is considered a swear word would definitely be on the ugly-word list, so there is no need to mention them. Point out that the same is true for such words as dummy, jerk, dork, geek, hate, or ugly.) You might start the list with the word "can't." What about the word quit? Go around the room and give each student an opportunity to add an ugly word to the list. When you are satisfied that the students' supply of ugly words has run dry, dramatically rip the chart paper off the pad, let it fall to the floor, and stomp all over it. Next, rip it up and crush it into a ball. Finally, get a shovel, take students outside, and ceremoniously bury the list of ugly words. This activity will have quite an impact: students will always remember the "ugly words" that will not be accepted in class.
Becci Motes, Kelley-Smith Elementary School, Palatka, Florida
Article by Gary Hopkins
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